Saturday, November 21, 2009


Sicilians feel that food and how to prepare it, is a gift from God and some may not have this gift, but WE DO. Its a given.  I have never heard of a bad Sicilian cook. Just doesn't happen as far as I know.
In my family, expertise in cooking goes back to my great grandfather Salvatore Patera who was a chef for wealthy people in Bagheria, I believe.  If I am wrong on that, who is going to care anyway. Okay, I digress.

This is the label that the family saved from Grandpa Patera's family.  The label, I suspect, is from the late 1800s.  Did some research and found out the Patera family is listed in a history of Bagheria, Sicily.  Salvatore Patera was in partnership with a Guiseppe Verdone.  It ended and the above label was kept by Verdone when he took over.   The new company is still in existence.

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